Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Safe Route to School

We are making great progress on our sidewalk project at JES. This work is able to happen because JES was awarded a VTrans Safe Route to School Infrastructure grade in July of 2010.  Jericho Elementary School is a silver partner in the Vermont Safe Route to Schools program. This allowed us to apply for the grant. Construction was supposed to occur in the summer of 2012 but had to be postponed due to workload at VTrans as a result of Hurricane Irene. Stop by the school to see our plan to make it safer for walkers and bikers at JES. We expect the project to be completed by August 20th.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Safe Routes

Construction begins on our Safe Routes to School project today. When the project is completed on August 20th, we will have improved access for walkers and bikers to JES.